Moultrie County Counseling Center

The Moultrie County Counseling Center is a charitable, non-profit and tax-exempt corporation that provides professional mental health services to the clients we serve.

We are dedicated professionals who offer direct treatment, consultation, education and referral services to Moultrie County residents, organizations & agencies.


The Moultrie County Counseling Center served over four hundred individuals during 2008. We provide in-office and home based services to ensure that all of our clients receive the best quality care that they can.

Our Client records are kept strictly confidential. Information contained in the records is not available to anyone without the client's written consent. Exceptions to this rule are discussed at intake.

Please seek help from the Moultrie County Counseling Center as soon as the problem is noticed to prevent it from becoming more serious. Click here for contact information.

Counseling begins with an intake appointment at the Counseling Center.